Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My husband's dog crapped everywhere!

Day 2019: My husband's dog crapped everywhere! In her kennel, on her blanket, on her brother. Everywhere. And it's days like these that I sigh and think how much it sucks that my husband isn't here to help me clean this kind of thing up. But unlike the normal nine to fiver, my Darling Dear is in the Navy. Unexpected late nights and long days gone, are just part of the job description.

As I drag the two of them outside into the barely sunny, spring evening air, and spray them down, they look at me like they are being punished. I feel so bad as they shiver that I have to give them extra snacks to make them feel better, after they are clean, warm and dry inside. I fix myself some dinner and eat, standing at the kitchen counter. The only ones there to keep me company are my furry children. Like many nights before.

This is my life. And I choose it, I know, because it won't always be like this. I won't be alone every night. I won't have to spend every moment missing him. And because I'm lucky. Lucky to have someone to love, and lucky to be loved by someone. Lucky to know that our love is worth fighting for, and worth being lonely. And when I see him, I know that the sacrifices are always worth being a Saylor Turned Sailor's Wife.