Thursday, May 22, 2014

Gatorade for life...

Day 2406: All I am interested in is Gatorade. I'm not sure if it is from being sick, or this perfect little baby growing inside of me, but that is the only thing right now that is anything less that revolting! I guess that's normal, or so the nurse tells me. I try and force other things in, and thankfully nothing has come up yet! But I never thought this is how I'd feel. It's funny, that for my entire life, an obsession with snacking has shut down so quickly!

Yesterday, we got the official call. I am officially, documented by the doctors, PREGNANT! Who would have thought! I am still in a daze all the time about it! I can't believe this is real! I can not wait to meet our little Onigiri (loose translation: rice ball)! I have never felt so happy and scared at the same time! But slowly it is starting to sink in! Slowly I am starting to register more and more what is happening, and MY GOSH! There are so many things to do!

Baby books, and prenatal care appointments, things to buy, and things to know, people to tell and decisions, decisions, decisions! It's unreal! I feel like all I want to do is go to a baby store and soak in the amazingness (yes, I know this is not a REAL word) of it all! I want to touch everything and picture my little Onigiri in my arms, being held by Darling Dear, in a crib, or playing! I just want to picture everything! And now it's actually happening!