Thursday, March 13, 2014

Babies are following me everywhere...

Day 2336: People really aren't kidding when they say that there is a time in your life that you will become baby crazy. Let's be honest, I never truly expected the moment when our parents stopped discouraging "getting jiggy with it" and started encouraging it instead. But since we have always been open about the subject of having a baby, it has become a bit of a running joke for us now a days.

I have always been a bit on the baby crazy side. I knew I wanted to be a mother from the get-go. I have always loved babies and can never seem to get enough of them. Their precious little cheeks, fingers, and toes, and don't even get me started on their little blubbering sounds and baby socks! I nearly die every time I see one out of envy alone!

Darling Dear is a little bit more of a distance admirer. The idea of our own baby is all fine and great, but he isn't usually the type to offer up to holding someone else's spawn. A smile, maybe, but lets face it, who can look at a baby and not smile. But after over a year of trying to make our own little person, even he is going baby crazy! Enough to almost enjoy my endless expression of love for anything baby, smiling at everything related, and even holding the babies of our friend! Shocking!

Because of this, though, I find that the babies seem to be following me everywhere! Darling Dear was the one to broach the "are we ready" convo, so at least I never felt like I was making him take the next step before he was ready, but his show of enthusiasm has flipped another switch in me and I think I have become full on baby INSANE!

I'm hanging in there. Each month brings new challenges but at least we are enduring together. And when I think about one day, when I will get to hold that little bundle in my arms, none of the waiting, or baby crazy will matter anymore. But more than that, I can't wait to share that day and experience it with Darling Dear.