Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Have I gone Crazy!?!

Day 2047: Ever since I was a kid, when I asked my dad where we were going, he always replied, "crazy," regardless if he actually knew where we were going or not. This, in fact, drove me crazy! As an ultra nosey child, I hated not being in the know. 

I remember, when I was in high school, he most often used this term in regards to what restaurant we were going to. My brothers and I relentlessly argued about who should get to decide where we ate, and my father, probably worn to the brink of insanity, always replied, "crazy." It was at this time that I had formed the grant and somewhat unrealistic idea that I would like to someday open a restaurant, named Crazy.

My idea was brilliant. This restaurant would served cuisines from all around the world, so there would be no arguing or bickering about who won out the choice of restaurants. Everyone could have what they wanted, be it Mexican or Japanese, American or Italian. Everyone would come happy, leave happy at Crazy.

Now, years down the road, as I sit at my dinner table describing my fantastic idea to my husband, he has but three words for me: Old Country Buffet. Ok, ok. This is probably a realistically response to my description, but I my mind, I was thinking a little less buffet, a little more gourmet. But lucky for me he didn't entirely dismiss my idea, because it has advanced so much since I was a child. 

Enter: Crazy Cupcakes and Cuisines! Yes, I too, have fallen into the baking and cupcake faze that seems to be sweeping the nation. I just can help it. They are so darn cute. And nothing relaxes me more than the baking and artistic-ness that goes into a cupcake! Yum!

And maybe, this time it's not to unrealistic! Darling Dear loves to cook and he is GOOD at it!! I'm not too bad myself, but I would be more than happy to leave that side of my dream to him as I head up the bakery! I'm picturing a little, classy hole in the wall spot. Two front entrance with large glass windows. And every day, working along side my best friend, who I feel like I have already lost so much time with. 

It might sound insane, unrealistic, CRAZY! But maybe if we all just went Crazy a bit more, we would have more fun!